AGU Department of Psychology Students Prepared Posters to Raise Social Awareness of Psychological Health!

23 June 2023

AGU Department of Psychology Students prepared posters to raise social awareness of psychological health. To get feedback from the faculties, they presented their posters in the conference hall BA022 between 3.30-5.00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 21, 2023. T

They prepared posters within the scope of the Abnormal Psychology course conducted by Dr Öznur Öncül-Demir for this term and in which they will organise an exhibition called “Psychological Health Awareness”, open to the visit of the whole university at the beginning of the 2023-2024 Fall Semester to display the poster. 

We hope that the event, which was open to both physical and remote participation, was beneficial for our students to improve their posters. We invite you in advance to the exhibition that will take place at the beginning of the  2023-2024 Fall Semester!