The AGU Values are implemented into every aspect of university life. Upholding our values also means that we are dedicated to protecting fundamental rights on equalities and freedom.
Sümer Campus is an attraction point not only of our university members but also of the city with its green and historical texture, contemporary and innovative interior design, and its central location.
The Department of Psychology at Abdullah Gül University (AGÜ) was established in 2020 as part of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and welcomed its first students in 2020. In our department, besides the wide range of theoretical and applied courses we offer, we aim at understanding mental processes and behaviors through scientific research. Our goal is to graduate psychologists who have comprehensive theoretical knowledge, are equipped for the global needs of the twenty-first century, have the knowledge and skills required by various fields, and have strong ties with the global world. We care about the information we produce has positive outcomes for society.
There are three full-time faculty members and three research assistants in our department. Besides, three of our faculty, who are continuing their doctoral studies abroad as scholarship holders, will start to work actively in our department in the coming years. AGU Department of Psychology's undergraduate program promises theoretical and applied education covering several sub-fields of psychology with its respected academic staff, unique program design, physical facilities, various national and international cooperation partnerships, and research laboratories. In the following years, we also plan to open graduate programs in several sub-fields of psychology.
You might find all the information you want to know about AGU Psychology on our website.
We welcome your visit and interest!
Rabiya Kızgın, a student of Psychology Department, Has Been Selected for the Student Senate
Basic Psychopathology Training-2 was held by Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Siyabend Kaya
Res. Asst. Habibe Sena Dündar Obtained her Master’s Degree.
The project led by Prof. Dr. Engin Arık has been supported by TÜBİTAK 3005-Civil Society Research Call
Dr. Şakir Yılmaz Published his Latest Research.
Basic Psychopathology Training-I was held by Dr. Öznur Öncül Demir within the scope of the Mind the Mind Project.
Dr. Öznur Öncül Demir gave a seminar titled “Psychological Resilience in Children and Adolescents” to teachers working in schools within Kocasinan RAM.
TUBITAK STAR program applications are now open.
Dr. Hilal Çifterler gave a speech titled “Psychological Determinants of Climate Activism”
Dr. Muhammet Coşkun gave a speech titled “Moral Foundations and Moral Exclusion as Determinants of Outgroup Helping and Moral Courage”
Dr. Bülent Aykutoğlu gave a speech titled “The Green-Eyed Monster: Jealousy in Romantic Relationships”.
“Mind the Mind - Fighting the Stigmatization of Mental Disorders Campaign”
Habibe Sena Dündar presented her latest research at the European Student Conference on Cognition and Behavior (ESCBC).
Dr. Akif Güzel’s student, Büşra Nur Oran Özen graduated from the AGU Institute of Social Sciences Data Science Master’s Program.
Members of the AGU Psychology Department have participated to V. National Social Psychology Congress
One of our students, Eylem Helin Metin, presented her work at the V. Social Psychology Congress.
Res. Asst. Ömer Topuz presented his latest study at Social Identity Small Group Meeting
Res. Asst. Ömer Topuz delivered a speech at a workshop supported by TÜBİTAK 2237-A BİDEB
Res. Asst. Habibe Sena Dündar make a presentation at the “VI National Congress of Psychology Graduate Students”
Res. Asst. Hafize Öznur Erem make a presentation at Psychology 4.0 hosted by the AGU Life and Psychology.
On July 26th, the AGU graduation ceremony was held.
The AGU Psychology Students attended the TPOCG Camp'24
One of the AGU Psychology students, Gözde Demirbuga, made a presentation to introduce the TPOCG
AGU Psychology Students made a podcast program about Mental Health Awareness.
Mustafa Işılakcan, AGU Psychology Student, prepared the podcast chapters for Mental Health Month
AGU Psychology Students prepared the podcast chapters for Mental Health Month
AGU Psychology Students prepared a Trivia Game Practise for Mental Health Month
Bilgeşah Şimşek, Didar Kemer, and Simay Torun, AGU Psychology Students, prepared an activity for Mental Health Month
“Better Together” project managed by EFPSA was held at Abdullah Gül University on 4-5 May 2024 and 11-12 May 2024.
The Psychology Department students made a presentation introducing Abdullah Gul University and the Psychology Department
Adar Cem Lagap has been accepted to attend the Social Psychology Summer School
Dr. Öznur Öncül Demir attended the event organized by the AGU Life & Psychology Club.
The Psychology Department professors have attended a workshop supported by TÜBİTAK 2237-A BİDEB
Dr. Öznur Öncül Demir Has Published Her Latest Research
Dr. Bilge Yalçındağ's Research Project Has Been Deemed Worthy of Support by TUBITAK 1001 Funding Programme!
Dr. Çoymak gave a talk within the scope of World Disability Day
Elif Didar Dingil and Eylem Helin Metin, third-grade Psychology students from AGU Department of Psychology, gave a talk named "Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility from the Perspective of Psychology Department Students".
Dr Çoymak Has Been Invited to the Committee of Science at the EUSPR Conference Took Place Between October 4-6 in Bosnia and Herzegovina Themed "Optimizing Prevention Infrastructures."
Dr Çoymak and Our Department's Research Assistant Ömer Topuz Joined the Workshop Program Organized by Kayseri Provincial of Family and Social Services called "The Importance of Family for Society" on September 21, 2023.
We Are Pleased to Announce that Prof Engin Arık's Research Project Has Been Deemed Worthy of Support by TUBITAK 1001 Funding Programme!
Prof Engin Arık Has Published His Latest Research Titled "Polarisation over the meaning of democracy: The case of political parties in Turkey" in Politics!
Prof Engin Arık Has Become the Chief of the Department of Psychology!
Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology, Ömer Topuz, Has Graduated from Psychology Master's Program at Uludağ University!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Answered Prospective Students Questions!
Dr Mehmet Akif Güzel Has Been Awarded the Title of Associate Professor!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Will Be the Guest on the "Psikoloji Saati" Program Broadcast on Hunat TV on Tuesday, July 25, at 5 p.m.
Dr Ahmet Coymak Has Given A Speech As Part of the TUBITAK Project!
Dr Öznur Öncül Demir Has Given a Speech Titled "Psychological Health and Education in the Scope of Health and Quality Life" As Part of TUBITAK Project!
Dr Öznur Öncül Demir Has Answered Prospective Student's Questions and Talked About Psychological Health as Part of the Promotional Activities!
Dr Çoymak Has Participated in a Roundtable Titled "Positioning Political Psychology for Academic Freedom: Boundaries and Prospects In An International Context" at the International Society of Political Psychology 2023 Annual Meeting in Canada!
The Workshop Program titled “Think of Future, Take Action! Training of Trainers for a Sustainable Future-2” with the Focus on Classroom Teachers Begins!
AGU Promotional Activities 2023 Has Been Started!
AGU Department of Psychology Students Prepared Posters to Raise Social Awareness of Psychological Health!
A Recent Meta-Analysis Study Co-Authored by Adar Cem Lağap Has Been Published in Collabra: Psychology!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Been a Guest on Hunat TV and Talked About "The Meaning and Purpose of Life"!
A Recent Research Article, "The Positive Association of Education with the Trust in Science and Scientists is Weaker in Highly Corrupt Countries, " Co-Authored by S. Bengisu Akkurt, Has Been Published!
Habibe Sena Dündar Has Been Granted an Internship within the Erasmus+Traineeship Program
Prof Dr Engin Arık Has Been Appointed as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Talked About "Social Psychology of Sustainability" in GLB203 Good Health and Well-Being Course!
Dr Mehmet Akif Güzel Has Introduced Our Department and AGU to the Sivas Gemerek Anatolian High School Students!
Dr Öznur Öncül Demir Has Talked About "Work-Related Stress" in GLB203 Good Health and Well-Being!
PSYC102 Essential Topics in Psychology-II Class Has Hosted Students from the USA!
We Have Organized Classes Along with Dr Ali Hakan Tor From the Mathematics Department to Help Students Affected by the Recent Earthquakes on February 6, 2023, in Kahramanmaraş.
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Given A Speech Titled "Conflict Resolution From the Perspective of Group Dynamics" to the Turkish Psychology Students Working Group (TPÖÇG)-Ankara Branch on April 19, 2023, at 8.30 p.m.!
Dr Öznur Öncül Demir Has Given a Seminar to the Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University Psychology Students Titled "Working with Children After Earthquake" on Saturday, April 15, 2023, at 8 p.m.!
The AGU Life & Psychology Club Has Organized a Seminar On "Music and Psychology", and They Have Invited Dr Micheal Domjan on March 31, 2023, Friday, between 8-9.30 p.m.!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Given a Speech at the Iğdır University Project Development and Coordination Office Talks!
The UN Academic Impact Report featured our University and Department Regarding the Support Activities in the Aftermath of the February 6, 2023, Kahramanmaras Earthquakes
The most recent research paper of Dr Mehmet Akif Güzel, entitled " The Study of Developing the Metacognitive Regulation Inventory in Education: Teacher’s Version (MREI: Teacher-Self & Teacher-Class)” Has Been Published!
We Will Organize A Training Titled "Grief and Trauma Counselling for Children and Adolescents" with Kayseri Kocasinan Counselling and Research Center!
Necessary and Reliable Sources of Information Regarding the Recent Earthquake Can be Found on the Turkish Psychologist Association (TPD) Website (In Turkish).
Faculty Members Have Given Speeches Within the "Learn by Designing, Teach by Practice" Event Supported By TÜBİTAK As Part of Sustainable Development Goals Trainer Training!
A Recent Research Article Titled "Knowledge about others' knowledge: how accurately do teachers estimate their students' test scores?" by Dr Mehmet Akif Güzel Has Been Published in Metacognition and Learning!
Our Students, Fatma Zehra Turan Coşkun and Manal Chtibi Have Prepared Two Podcast Series Within the Scope of GLB300!
Dr Öznur Öncül Demir Has Given A Seminar Titled "Stigmatization in Psychological Disorders: From Depression to Schizophrenia" to the AGU Life and Psychology Club!
Dr Çoymak, Dr Yalçındağ and Dr Güzel Together Published a New Book Chapter Investigating Desire to Migration from the Holistic Perspective of Psychology!
Department of Psychology Research Assistant Adar Cem Lağap Has Given A Seminar Friday, January 6 2023, and He Has Talked About His Master's Studies and the Results!
Dr Öznur Öncül Demir Has Given a Seminar On Psychological Health Within the AGU Academy Seminar Series!
We Listened to Sümeyra Bengisu Akkurt, MA in Psychological Sciences, As Part of the Departmental Seminar Series on Friday, December 30 2022, at 4.15. p.m!
Dr Öznur Öncül Demir Has Given a Seminar to the Teachers on Psychological Resilience and Suicide Prevention Among Children and Adolescents!
Dr Çoymak Has Been a Guest Speaker of the "Psikoloji Saati" on HUNAT TV and Talked about Psychology!
Dr Güzel and Öncül Demir Have Been Guest Speakers as Part of GLB 203 Good Health and Wellbeing in the 2022-2023 Fall Semester!
We Have Listened to Dr Engin Arık, As Part of the Departmental Seminar Series on Friday Afternoon, December 23!
Prep Students of AGU Department of Psychology Have Played Treasure Hunt Together with PSYF221 Class Within the University Transition Activities!
We, as the Department of Psychology, Have Watched Wonder (2017) and Had a Movie Critique by Dr Öznur-Öncül Demir on December 16, Between 12.45-17.00, Together with Students and Faculties!
Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology, Sümeyra Bengisu Akkurt and Dr Ahmet Çoymak Have Published A Book Chapter!
One of Our Students, Fatma Zehra Turan Coşkun Is Broadcasting A Podcast Series On Foster Parenthood and Child Adoption!
Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology Sümeyra Bengisu Akkurt Will Participate A Seminar in Rome Funded By Erasmus+!
PSYF221 Social Psychology and Human Behaviour Students Have Come Together with Wikipedia Representatives on November 11, 2022, class!
We Are Deeply Saddened By Hearing the News, Our Beloved Mentor; Prof Umur Talaslı Passed Away. We Will Always Remember Him With Great Love and Deepest Respect.
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Given A Talk About the Council of Higher Education Accreditation Program
Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology, Adar Cem Lağap, Has Attended the "Araftaki Türkiye" Fall School in Ankara!
Dr Öznur Öncül-Demir Has Given A Seminar Talk, "The Problem of Child Abuse in Turkey", at Osman Ulubaş Kayseri Science High School, Within the Program Child Safety Matters!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Delivered A Panel Talk On Friday, October 21, 2022, Titled “Health and Quality Life: Well-being from the Perspective of Psychology" at Sümer Campus!
A Recent Study Conducted By Dr Engin Arık Has Been Published In the "SN Social Sciences" Journal!
We Are Excited to Announce that Dr Engin Arık Became a Member of-AGU Psychology Family!
AGU Department of Psychology First-Year Students Taken the Pictures of the Campus to Get to Know It As Part of the First-Week Assignment!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Will Give A Speech at the Panel "The Guiding Role of Psychology in the Relationship Between Education and Sustainable Development Goals", Which Will Be Organized Together with Internal and External Partners!
Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology, Sümeyra Bengisu Akkurt, Has Successfully Defended Her Master's Thesis and Graduated From the Kadir Has University Psychological Sciences Master's Program!
Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology, Sümeyra Bengisu Akkurt, Will Present Her Master's Thesis at National Psychology Congres, organized by the Turkish Psychologists Association!
Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology, Sümeyra Bengisu Akkurt, Has Been Accepted to Participate in A Conference Organized by the Turkish National Agency!
We Met With Our Students Who Have Just Joined Our Department on Wednesday, September 21, at Sümer Kampüs!
Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology, Adar Cem Lağap, Has Successfully Defended His Master's Thesis and Graduated from the Kadir Has University Psychological Sciences Master's Program!
We Are Delighted to Announce that Dr Öznur Öncül-Demir Has Joined Our Department!
Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology Sümeyra Bengisu Akkurt Has Given a Talk Titled “Multiple Conflicting Identities of Stigmatized and Disadvantaged Groups” as part of the “Youth in Europe: Offenburg Talks” Series
Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology Ömer Topuz's Research Has Been Accepted to be Presented at the 21st of National Psychology Congres in Istanbul!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Delivered A Speech at the "TPG Academy'22: Political Psychology"
Dear New Students, We Warmly Welcome You to the AGU Department of Psychology!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Been Appointed as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Given A Speech in the "Head of the Departments Introducing Their Departments" Series!
Research Assistants of AGU Department of Psychology Have Introduced Our Department!
AGU Department of Psychology Faculties Dr Bilge Yalçındağ and Dr Mehmet Akif Güzel Have Talked at the “Professors Introducing Their Departments” Series Online on Saturday, July 30!
Online and Face to Face Promotional Activities Will Be Held All Over the Summer, and the AGU Department of Psychology Will also Be There!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Participated in A Panel Session "I, We and Them: The Effects of Self Transformations on Conflict Processes in Different National Contexts" at the 4th National Social Psychology Congress!
Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology, Adar Cem Lağap, Has Been Accepted To Participate in “BAYÖYO 2022: Science Academy Özyeğin University Artificial Learning Summer School” Between 27-29 June 2022.
Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology, Ömer Topuz, Has Presented His Latest Research at the National Social Psychology Congress in İzmir!
Research Assistants of AGU Department of Psychology, Sümeyra Bengisu Akkurt and Habibe Sena Dündar Have Been Accepted to the Social Sciences 2022 Summer School at the Sabancı University!
Dr Mehmet Akif Güzel Has Given A Speech titled "Emotion Regulation, Anxiety and Coping with Anxiety in Adolescents" at the "Adolescence Problems and Risk Behaviors Colloquium"
The "Adolescence Problems and Risk Behaviors Colloquium" Has Been Held As Part of the Public Education Seminars!
AGU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Organized A Seminar Titled "Technology and Women"!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Given A Speech at the "3rd Psychology Days", Which Was Organized by Nuh Naci Yazgan University Psychology Club!
Assistant Professor, Psychologist Dr Talat Demirsöz Has Given a Seminar, on Albert Ellis and Cognitive Therapy!
A Recent Study Conducted By Dr Bilge Yalçındağ Has Been Published In The "Studies In Psychology", A Leading Journal in Psychology Studies in Turkey!
Psychologist Melike Şimşek (MSc) Has Given a Seminar on the "Basics of Addiction" on the 25th of April, 2022, at 6 p.m
Within the scope of the seminar, we have tried to answer questions such as the course of addiction, the recovery process, and society's perception of addiction in the context of the experiences of our invited recovery counsellor.
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Introduced the AGU Department of Psychology and Answered the Questions of High School Students!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Talked About The Brain Drain from the Perspective of Political Psychology, organized by the Psychology Students Platform in Turkey!
Dr Mehmet Akif Güzel’s latest paper (Basokcu & Guzel, 2022), entitled "Beyond Counting the Correct Responses: Metacognitive Monitoring and Score Estimations in Mathematics", has been recently published in the "Psychology in the Schools"!
Dr Mehmet Akif Güzel Has Given a Speech About Our Department to the Fatma Kemal Timuçin Anatolian High School Students!
Chair Department Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Been Awarded the Title of Associate Professor!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak and Dr Bilge Yalçındağ Have Been Invited to the Committee of Science as a part of the 4th National Social Psychology Congress between 11-12 June!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Given a Talk on the 14th METU Psychology Days!
Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology, Adar Cem Lağap, Has Been Given An Unconditional Offer for Postgraduate Studies at Essex University Psychology Department
A Book Has Been Released Including A Chapter Co-Authored By Sümeyra Bengisu Akkurt, Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology!
We have listened to Dr JP Prim's seminar titled "Call it a Conspiracy: How Conspiracy Belief Predicts Recognition of Conspiracy Theories" as a part of AGU Seminar Series!
Research assistant of AGU Department of Psychology, Adar Cem Lağap, has presented his research titled "Attachment Security, Subjective Vitality, and Exploration: Replication of Luke et al. 2012" at the SPSP 2022 Annual Convention!
Sümeyra Bengisu Akkurt, AGU Department of Psychology Research Assistant, has been accepted to the Erasmus Exchange Programme "Learn and Teach: Youth Exchange
“International Collaboration in Teaching Innovation: Psychology Around the World (PAW) Study Protocol” Has Been Presented at the International Conference of Teaching Innovation in Spain!
Dr Bilge Yalçındağ and Adar Cem Lağap have participated in Horizon Europea Programme Conference on the 18th of January, at Kayseri Wyndham Grand Hotel
One of our professors, Dr Ahmet Çoymak, has attended an invited seminar at Harran University (Urfa) as part of a finance class guided by Dr Emine Yöney!
Psychology students from AGU and Nuh Naci Yazgan University as well as faculty of both universities has met at a face to face cocktail on the 24th of December at AGU Sümer Campus!
AGU Department of Psychology has been represented by our students in the 2021 TPÖÇG Fall Summit on December 10, 11 and 12!
Dr Öznur Öncül Demir has given a seminar titled "The Role of Disgust in Psychopathology and Violence" on the 17th of December, as a part of the AGU Seminar Series!
Dr Bilge Yalçındağ has attended the 4th National Action Plan of Elimination of Violence Against Women (2021-2025) Workshop, organized by the Kayseri Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Policies
Dr Mehmet Akif Güzel, gave a speech on psychology to the Celal Bayar Anatolian High School Students!
AGU Department of Psychology has met with prospective students at an online university promotion fair on the 5th of December!
Dr Ahmet Çoymak Has Given a Speech Titled " Climate Change-Migration-Justice and Rights" at the EU-Turkey Youth Climate Forum, Which Took Place at Kayseri Chamber of Commerce!
AGU Department of Psychology students have come together with their counterparts from different cultures online, within the programme called "Psychology Around the World" (PAW)!
First-year psychology students of our department have made naturalistic observations about COVID regulations in our campus, as a part of their course named "essential topics in psychology"
Dr Bilge Yalçındağ has presented her study “Moral Conviction; Components and its relation to Courage and Justice Sensitivity” at the 1st National Symposium on Morality Studies in Social Psychology
The Head of Psychology Department, Dr Ahmet Çoymak, have come together with the AGU students within the GLB 203 Good Health and Well Being course scope.
A study which had been conducted by Adar Cem Lağap, who is one of our research assistants, has been presented in poster sessions at PSACON (2021) online congress!
One of our professors, Dr Mehmet Akif Guzel, has become one of the Graduate School of Social Sciences committee members!
Our first-year students have taken the pictures of the campus to get to know it as part of the first-week requirement of a course they get this semester!
We are happy to announce that Dr Bilge Yalçındağ has been assigned as the co-head of our department!
On Saturday, October 9, we met with our students who have just joined our department in the 2021-2022 academic year at the AGU Sumer Campus!
Abdullah Gül University (AGU) Department of Psychology students has come together as a part of the Turkish Psychology Students Working Group (TPÖÇG) Week, which has been organized by our TPÖÇG representative, dear Eylem Helin Metin.
Dr Ahmet Çoymak has met with the prospective students as part of the online promotion days.
AGU Psychology Department Faculty Dr Bilge Yalçındağ have participated in the “National Symposium on Moral Studies in Social Psychology” as a member of the jury, which was held by Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, on 26-27 November 2021.
During the pandemic days when we’re trying to get used to new situations, a seminar series with the theme of "Achieving in the Pandemic" have been planned as a result of the cooperation of AGU Psychology and NNY Psychology departments.
As the AGÜ Department of Psychology, we celebrate April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day; We wish all the children in the world to be surrounded by peace, happiness, and joy!
Dr. Bilge Yalçındağ, one of the faculty members of our department, has given a speech titled "Gender Equality: Demanding A Different World" at the invitation of AGU-SDG Student Hub.
Prof. Dr Okan Cem Çırakoğlu, who is the president of the Turkish Psychological Association, was the guest of the GLB101-AGU Ways lecture on November 3, 2020. Besides, Dr Bilge Yalçındağ had an interview with Dr Çırakoğlu on running social media campaigns.
AGU Young Red Crescent Club has organized an online event on "Community and Mental Health in the Period of Pandemic" during this difficult period. Our Head of the Department of Psychology, Ahmet Coymak has attended the event as a speaker.
A recent research paper of Dr. Guzel, entitled "Testing a metacognitive regulation approach for judgment of satiation: Might hunger and fullness not be the polar opposites of the same dimension", has been published.
Dr. Mehmet Akif Guzel has given a Seminar on "A Metacognitive Regulation Approach for Judgment of Satiation: Are Hunger and Fullness Indeed the Polar Opposites of the Same Dimension?"
This project included several activities and panel sessions gathering AGU students, staff and partners to debate on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Dr Ahmet Çoymak has appeared as a guest on the Kayseri TV.
A recent paper from Dr. Mehmet Akif Guzel, entitled "Metacognitive Monitoring and Mathematical Abilities: Cognitive Diagnostic Model and Signal Detection Theory Approach" has been published in the journal of "Education & Science".
Dr. Ahmet Çoymak has presented his research at the British Psychological Society, Wessex Branch webinar & networking event
In the 2020-2021 list of the URAP (University Rankings by Academic Performance) Research Laboratory showing national universities' academic performance, Abdullah Gül University (AGU) was placed 4th among the universities established after 2000.
The AGU Career and Employability Office has ceaselessly organized Career Development training sessions and Career Talks seminar series during the Covid-19 pandemic.
This year, our Psychology Department will admit students for the first time.
Abdullah Gül University (AGU), ranked first in "State universities that manage the distance education process better" ranking by University Assessments & Research Laboratory (ÜniAr).