Experimental Psychology Lab

AGU Department of Psychology Experimental Psychology Laboratory is open to the joint and individual use of all faculty members and their students and teammates. This lab which is now located in FOC08, consists of two main parts for collecting individual and group data or for project meetings and producing and discussing research projects. 

In the section for individual data collection, there are 4 separate participant cabinets and an experimenter's desk where experiments are run and controlled. Each participant cabinet has its PC with a wired webcam and headset. Also, there are other types of equipment for several uses by researchers, like one digital camera, a tripod, and a colour printer.  

For data collection processes involving large groups (e.g. focus groups) or for research meetings, there is one long table for 10 people and a standing blackboard.  

We currently use open-source software (e.g. PsychoPy, OpenSesame, and PsyToolKit) while conducting experiments in Experimental Psychology Laboratory.