The Mission of the Department of Psychology

As a pioneering example in Turkey, AGU Psychology follows the Flexible and Dynamic Learning with Critical Pedagogy (FDLCP), which uses a critical pedagogical approach as a teaching model. Basd on this approach, AGU Psychology adapts its 8 main program objectives and 9 basic skills acqusitions and learning outcomes to its entire program.


The Vision of the Department of Psychology

Within the context of globalization,  AGU Psychology Department aims to train its' psychology students to be equipped with necessary skills and knowledge for the areas such as arts, industries, and working settings in life and to be desirable candidates for social life.

You can learn more about the undergraduate programme and principles by reading the " Undergraduate Programme Information Package" here, and you can get detailed information about the "Undergraduate Programme Catalogue" here, both are constructed in the light of the mission and vision of our department described above.


The Innovation and Pedagogy of the Department of Psychology

Besides having innovative pedagogical approaches, AGU Department of Psychology has an objective to provide another important innovation in the field of psychology in Turkey. Unlike the existing psychology programs, our program follows Psychological Innovation and Impact on Social Problems (PIISP) in its curriculum. This model differentiates AGU Psychology from many other undergraduate programs that prioritize mainly the theoretical teaching of psychology. This model enables and encourages students to take part in a wide range of projects that can be organized together with various public and private organizations, such as non-governmental organizations, health and education institutions, municipalities, professional chambers, medium- and small-scale enterprises, the various scale of corporations, as well as the national and international institutions supporting human-centred projects.
In order to meet the graduation criteria, students can run these projects and let them be counted in their curriculum as Non-AGU Project or Independent Study courses. Adapting this method in its curriculum, AGU Psychology means to equip prospective psychologists not only with the foundations of the science of psychology, but also to train young psychologists who can eventually apply this knowledge when solving the difficulties of social life, and to build their career plans and postgraduate visions during their university years. 


The Program and Academic Advisory System at the Department of Psychology 

You can watch the Dr Ahmet Çoymak's speech, where he explains the academic and program advisory system applied independently at the AGU Department of Psychology.