AGU Ranked First in Terms of Online Education in a Nationwide Survey by ÜniAr

29 June 2020

Abdullah Gül University (AGU) ranked first in the "State universities that manage the distance education process better" ranking.

The ranking of private and state universities that successfully manage the distance education process was announced by University Assessments & Research Laboratory (ÜniAr).

In the study that conducted by Prof. Engin Karadağ and Prof. Cemil Yücel who are the founders and directors of ÜniAr, data collected from 1800 undergraduate students in Turkey. The result of the study showed that AGU is the state university which manages the distance education process best.

Rector Prof. Dr. İhsan Sabuncuoğlu stated that AGU put into use the educational infrastructure developed with its innovative vision that has been maintained since its foundation. The objectives of rapid decision-making processes have been implemented gradually, and education has been proceeding from where it left off, he continued. 

Besides education during COVID-19 pandemic, students’ personal, social, and cultural development is involved in online processes, Prof. Sabuncuoğlu stated. He pointed out that the Covid-19 virus epidemic will neither be the first nor the last in the history of the world and humanity, and that similar global crises may occur in the future.

For this reason, Prof. Sabuncuoğlu emphasized that they believe in the importance of online education, and they developed the educational infrastructure and the educational philosophy of AGU accordingly.