Research assistant of AGU Department of Psychology, Adar Cem Lağap, has presented his research findings at the SPSP 2022 Annual Convention!

02 March 2022


Research assistant of  AGU Department of Psychology, Adar Cem Lağap, has presented his research titled "Attachment Security, Subjective Vitality, and Exploration: Replication of Luke et al. 2012" at the SPSP 2022 Annual Convention! The presentation took place on Whoa online conference platform, on Saturday, February 19, 2022, between 20.30-21.30 Istanbul time. The presentation, which was based on his master's thesis, has focused on the effects of priming relationships in which people feel secure, on motivation to exploration, and a sense of security. We congratulate Adar Cem and wish him continued success!