Faculty Members Have Given Speeches Within the Sustainable Development Goals Trainer Training!

26 January 2023

Faculty members of our department, Dr Bilge Yalçındağ, Dr Mehmet Akif Güzel, Dr Ahmet Çoymak and Dr. Öznur Öncül Demir took part in the Sustainable Development Goals Trainer Training (Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları Eğitici Eğitimi) as speakers. The “Learn by Designing, Teach by Practice!” The event was organised as part of a TÜBİTAK BİDEB funded project.

As part of the  training, on Tuesday, January 24, Dr Yalçındağ delivered her speech on  "Gender Education: Demand for a Different World", and Dr Güzel discussed "What Should We Do to Provide Oral and Written Communication in a Healthy Way in Education?"

On Wednesday, January 25th, Dr Çoymak gave their speech titled “Psychological Achievements for the Health and Quality Life Achievement of Humans and Communities”, and Dr Öncül Demir focused on “School Environment Supporting Psychological Health”.

The event was designed for pre-service teachers who are undergraduate students studying primary education. We thank our faculty members for contributing to this initiative to enhance awareness of global concerns, sustainable development goals (SDG), and sustainable development education (SCI).